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s1 40 Daddy Gets Fit


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:2,000 ]

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Daddy Gets Fit!

Mummy Pig is watching

a keep fit program
on television.

Come on, now, that's right.
bend it, stretch it,

bend it, stretch it.

and one and two

I love watching television.
and three and four

What's this, Mummy Pig?
and one and two

It's a program about
doing exercises to keep fit.

Thank goodness!

I don't have to exercise!
I'm naturally fit.

You don't look very fit, Daddy;

your tummy is a bit big!

I'm very fit! I'll show you!

What shall I do first?

Touch your toes. Like this!


Daddy! Stop pretending that
you can't touch your toes.

Err... I'm not
pretending, Peppa.

Daddy Pig really cannot
touch his toes.

Oh, dear, Daddy!
That's not very good!

Hmmm... Maybe I should
do a bit of exercise.

Yes, Daddy.

And I will start...

Daddy Pig! You have to
start exercising now!


Don't worry, Daddy,
I will help you.

Oh, alright! Peppa, you're
in charge of getting me fit.

What should I do first?

First, you must do
some press-ups!


One, two.


Very good, Daddy.
Now, I want you to do...

One hundred!

One hundred?!


Come on, children,
help me make lunch.

I'll help as well.

No, Daddy! You've got one
hundred press-ups to do.

Oh. One...

Mummy Pig, Peppa and George

are in the kitchen making lunch.

Daddy Pig is still doing his press-ups.

Daddy is doing

very well.


I do hope he's not overdoing it.

I'll go and see.

Thirteen!... Fourteen!...


Daddy Pig! You're cheating!

You should be doing press-ups!

Oh! Err...

There was something
interesting on the TV.

Naughty Daddy!

Maybe Daddy will
have more success

with my old exercise bike.

Aha! This looks like fun!

I'll be able to cycle and
watch TV at the same time.

It's impossible!
This bike is too noisy.

I can't hear the TV!

You've got to get fit somehow.

I know!
You can use my bicycle.

Yes, and then you'll get some
fresh air as well.

Daddy Pig is going to ride on
Peppa's little bicycle.

Daddy, these are the pedals.

These are the brakes...
And this is the bell.

Yes! Yes! Thank you, Peppa,
I know. Bye bye.

Easy as pie!

Getting fit is quite hard work.

Aha! Now I can get fit
without having to pedal!

Daddy Pig is going very fast.

Oh! Maybe I'd better slow down.

Arrgh! The brakes aren't strong enough!


Daddy Pig has been
gone for a long time.

Mummy, where can Daddy be?

Don't worry, Peppa.

Daddy must be really
enjoying himself

to be away for so long.

Daddy! where have you been?

I whizzed all the way down the hill,

and then I had to push the bike
all the way back up again.

Oh! Poor Daddy Pig!

Well, at least I've done my exercise.

Yes. For today.

What do you mean?

You'll have to do some
more exercise tomorrow.


Daddy, to get fit, you have
to exercise every day.

Oh, no.

But don't worry, Daddy,
I'll make sure you do it.

Yes! I know you will.

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my little brother, George.

This is Mummy Pig.

And this is Daddy Pig.

Peppa pig.

Tidying Up!

Peppa and George are in their
bedroom playing with their toys.

George, let's play dollies
and dinosaurs.


What is that? It looks like
a horrible monster!


naturally [ˈnætʃrəli] adv. 自然地 自然而然地 轻而易举 天生地 大方地 {cet4 cet6 :2088}

alright [ɔ:lˈraɪt] adj. 没问题的 adv. 好吧(等于all right) { :2117}

bike [baɪk] n. 自行车;脚踏车 vi. 骑自行车(或摩托车) n. (Bike)人名;(土、土库、塞)比克 {zk :2163}

bend [bend] n. 弯曲 vt. 使弯曲;使屈服;使致力;使朝向 vi. 弯曲,转弯;屈服;倾向;专心于 n. (Bend)人名;(瑞典)本德 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :2194}

cycle [ˈsaɪkl] n. 循环;周期;自行车;整套;一段时间 vt. 使循环;使轮转 vi. 循环;骑自行车;轮转 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :2200}

eleven [ɪˈlevn] num. 十一;十一个 n. 十一;十一个 adj. 十一的;十一个的 {zk gk :2299}

toys ['tɔɪz] n. [轻] 玩具(toy的复数) v. 摆弄;调情(toy的第三人称单数) {ielts :2418}

bell [bel] n. 铃,钟;钟声,铃声;钟状物 vt. 装钟于,系铃于 vi. 鸣钟;成钟状鼓起 {zk gk :2646}

fourteen [ˌfɔ:ˈti:n] num. 十四;十四个;第十四 n. 十四的记号;十四岁;十四点钟;十五世纪 {zk gk :2877}

pretending [prɪ'tendɪŋ] v. 假装;伪装(pretend的现在分词) adj. 伪称的;乔饰的 { :2885}

sixteen [ˌsɪksˈti:n] num. 十六 adj. 十六的,十六个的 {zk gk :2889}

aha [ɑ:ˈhɑ:] int. 啊哈(表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等) { :2997}

thirteen [ˌθɜ:ˈti:n] n. 十三;十三岁;十三个 num. 十三 adj. 十三的;十三个的 {zk gk :3309}

pie [paɪ] n. 馅饼;饼图;爱说话的人 vt. 使杂乱 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :3323}

toes [təuz] n. [解剖] 脚趾(toe的复数) v. 用脚尖走(toe的三单形式) { :3360}

monster [ˈmɒnstə(r)] n. 怪物;巨人,巨兽;残忍的人 adj. 巨大的,庞大的 {cet6 ky toefl ielts :3565}

horrible [ˈhɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的;极讨厌的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3750}

seventeen [ˌsevnˈti:n] n. 十七,十七个 num. 十七 adj. 十七岁的;十七的,十七个的 n. (Seventeen)人名;(瑞典)塞文滕 {zk gk cet4 cet6 :3783}

bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪkl] n. 自行车 vt. 骑自行车运送 vi. 骑脚踏车 {zk gk cet4 ky ielts :4366}

goodness [ˈgʊdnəs] n. 善良,优秀 ;精华,养分 int. 天哪 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :4367}

cheating [tʃi:tɪŋ] n. 行骗,欺骗行为 adj. 欺骗的 { :4369}

brakes [brek] n. [机][车辆] 刹车(brake的复数);[机] 制动;刹车系统 v. [机][车辆] 刹车(brake的第三人称单数);打碎 { :4693}

noisy [ˈnɔɪzi] adj. .嘈杂的;喧闹的;聒噪的 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5244}

dinosaurs ['daɪnəsɔ:z] n. [古生] 恐龙(dinosaur的复数形式);恐龙类 { :5326}

tidying [ˈtaidiŋ] v. 使整洁( tidy的现在分词 ); 使整齐; 使有条理; 整理 { :6376}

naughty [ˈnɔ:ti] adj. 顽皮的,淘气的;不听话的;没规矩的;不适当的;下流的 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl :7181}

pedal [ˈpedl] n. 踏板;脚蹬子 vi. 踩踏板;骑车 vt. 骑(自行车);踩……的踏板 adj. 脚的;脚踏的 {cet6 ky ielts gre :7777}

pedals ['pedlz] n. 踏板;脚踏;方向舵脚蹬(pedal的复数) { :7777}

dollies [ˈdɔliz] abbr. dolophine pills 盐酸美沙酮药片 n. 玩具娃娃( dolly的名词复数 ); 台车,摄影机手推车 { :9382}

tummy [ˈtʌmi] n. 肚子;胃 { :10550}

err [ɜ:(r)] vi. 犯错;做错;犯罪;走上歧途 {toefl gre :13165}

overdoing [ˌəʊvəˈdu:ɪŋ] v. 做得过分( overdo的现在分词 ); 太夸张; 把…煮得太久; (工作等)过度 { :13709}

whizzed [hwɪzd] adj. 旋离了的 v. 飕飕作声( whizz的过去式和过去分词 ); 飕飕掠过,急驰; 使飕飕作声 { :17799}

Hmmm [ ] abbr. hexamethoxy methyl melamine 六甲氧甲基三聚氰胺 { :36859}

fit [fɪt] n. 合身;发作;痉挛 adj. 健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的 vt. 安装;使……适应;使……合身;与……相符 vi. 符合,配合;适合;合身 n. (Fit)人名;(捷、罗)菲特 {zk gk toefl ielts :1046}

ahhh [ ] [网络] 啊;外衣和匕首;那欸安

arrgh [ ] 啊(拟声词)

grrrrr [ ] [网络] 咯咯声

press-ups [ ] n. 俯卧撑( press-up的名词复数 )

as pie [ ] 一个馅饼 一个派

bye bye [ ] n. 〈儿〉瞌瞌;床 adv. 上床 int. 再会 [网络] 再见;白白,拜拜,再见;玛丽亚凯莉

do exercise [du: ˈeksə] [网络] 锻炼;做运动;做练习

don't worry [ ] [网络] 别担心;不要担心;别着急

easy as pie [ ] na. 极容易 [网络] 易如反掌;小菜一碟;非常简单

exercise bike [ˈeksə baik] n. (室内使用的)健身脚踏车 [网络] 健身车;健身单车;室内健身自行赛

fresh air [freʃ eə(r)] na. 新鲜的空气 [网络] 新鲜空气;新风;清新空气

get fit [ɡet fit] [网络] 保持健康;健身;去健身

keep fit [ki:p fit] na. 保持健康 [网络] 保持身体健康;健身;保持身材

like fun [laik fʌn] na. 〈口〉有力地;迅速地;不能相信;绝不可能 [网络] 好玩;才怪

on television [ ] [网络] 在电视上;通过电视;在电视里

overdo it [ˌəʊvəˈdu: it] na. 做得过火;过劳;夸张;演得过火 [网络] 口语;画蛇添足;过头了

ride on [raid ɔn] un. 在…上运动:;依…而定:;骑在(马、自行车等)上:;在…上航行 [网络] 骑在上面;取决于;乘

slow down [sləu daun] na. 闲下来;减缓;放慢速度;减速 [网络] 慢下来;慢点;慢驶

stretch it [ ] [网络] 展开它

thank goodness [ ] un. 谢天谢地;自动向某人致谢 [网络] 感谢;感谢上帝;感谢上天

the bell [ ] [网络] 钟声;大钟;船用雾钟

the Hill [ ] [网络] 山丘;小山;国会山报

the kitchen [ ] 厨房

tidy up [ ] v. 整理干净 [网络] 收拾;收拾干净;拾掇

to exercise [ ] [网络] 履约;练;仁至义尽

to pedal [ ] 蹬车

to ride [ ] [网络] 骑;骑马;骑图片

to ride on [ ] [网络] 来骑;搭坐;来策马前进

touch your toes [ ] [网络] 够脚趾头;摸你的脚趾;触摸脚尖

very fast [ˈveri fɑ:st] 急速;嘌;飞快;迅急

watch television [ ] [网络] 看电视;听收音机

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用